Monday, July 30, 2007

Using EFT for Alzheimer's disease

Here's an EFT success I've recently had with my 82-year-old mother who has Alzheimer's. She's been declining over a period of five years. She recognizes close family members but not friends. She can carry on a conversation as long as you keep it current. She's particularly deficient in her short-term memory. (After five minutes, she's forgotten what's she's done or said.)

She lives with my Sister and her husband (Janet & Rudy). Whenever they go on a trip, she stays with me. She can never remember where they are when they go. So it's common for her to ask (very often) where they are.

A week ago, Janet & Rudy went to Texas to visit Janets daughter Miranda. As expected, Mom started asking me where they were five minutes after settling in at my house. She continued to ask me where they were every few hours. Each time I would tell her that "Janet & Rudy flew to Texas to visit Miranda & Josh and their baby Benjamin." After the fifth day, (and after answering that question approx. 25 times) my frustration level was reaching a pinnacle. It's usually in times of frustration and desperation that I think of EFT. It occurred to me that if I tapped on her while I told her where they were, she might actually be able to remember it. (If only I had done this the first time she asked me.)

I had her repeat the phrase: "Janet & Rudy flew to Texas to visit Miranda & Josh and their baby Benjamin" while I tapped on her. She was able to follow my lead on the 9-gamut and really got into singing "Happy Birthday." I finished up with the sequence and waited 10 minutes before I popped the big question. You can imagine how excited I was when, after reflecting for a few seconds, she tells me: "Janet & Rudy flew to Texas to visit Miranda & Josh and their baby Benjamin."

An hour later when my 16-year-old son came home from school I couldnt wait for him to ask her the question and see his surprise. Sure enough, she delivered perfectly. Every couple of hours I tested her. She would always think for a few seconds and then come out with it. It's been four days and she's still remembering. (I've asked her approx. 20 times in those four days.) Sometimes she has to think about it, but (so far) she's been able to remember.

I'm speculating now that if I had tapped on her once or twice a day since that first day, she probably wouldn't even hesitate when I asked her. I'm now planning on experimenting more with her. Who knows, maybe I can tap her right out of her Alzheimer's disease!

Debra Trojan

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Did You Know ~ Your Hands Can Heal You

(EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique... By Gary Craig
EFT Has Worked Where Nothing Else Has

EFT is a method used like (Acupuncture) only using your own fingertips to tap certain energy points (meridians) on your body while you are "tuned in" to your problem. EFT is used on one problem at a time in order to bring the intensity on a scale from 1 to 10, down to a "0". The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere.

EFT is a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues.

Click below for more amazing results
EFT At Work...

The moto in using EFT is try it on everything. You will be amazed at the out come. EFT At Work

Here are some of the happy people that have used EFT to make a remarkable change in their life. Pain Managememt Addictions Weight Loss Allergies Children's Issues Animals Vision Eating Disorders Diabetes Headaches This is just a few, there are many many more... Go to the site and take a look for your self. You can try out this wonderful technique completelyFREE!

From EFT Practitioners
Invaluable Resources

Weight Loss
NEW! Easy Way to Successful Weight Loss We all know that emotional reactions are a BIG part of successful weight loss, but we haven't seen any self-help technique work as well to zap food cravings right on the spot as a new method called "The Key to Weight Loss." The reason this works is because it automatically helps you to clear up some of those distressing emotions that keep you from sticking to your diet and actually losing weight. We really liked the screen animation and computer prompts that make the whole process so easy. To learn about this state-of-the-art technique, go to: Psychologist Dr. Patricia Carrington's Website

Missing Mother
How to heal childhood abandonment and rejection with EFT. This easy to follow, step-by step workbook shows you how to release negative emotions that stand in the way of your happiness.

Attract Abundance
If you are tired of not having enough money, time, love or success, this exciting new e-book, ATTRACTING ABUNDANCE with EFT combines the simplicity of EFT and the fun of Abundance Games with the power of the Law of Attraction to help you increase your financial abundance.